Plant medicines in their ability to teach, heal and expand the human spirit are profound. However, often we find taking these powerful medicines alone is not enough to facilitate lasting transformation.

Integration is a critical element to create profound shifts. Our retreatsprovide the most comprehensive opportunity for

participants to engage in a holistic integration during the retreat and beyond.

Our unique approach allows us to identify and dismantle conscious and unconscious behavior patterns, work to balance masculine and feminine energies, stabilizing one’s relationship to self and others, and clearing the path for the medicine to do its work.

Ongoing integration support is also provided allowing the participants to learn, grow and ultimately create the space toestablish lasting, meaningful change and improve the experience of life.

This outcome/result-driven approach to integration work is deeply rooted in compassion and love and available to retreats and centers worldwide. His authentic presence and open-heart listening create the perfect safe container, allowing people to go deep and reconnect to their power and beginning the process of true healing on every level.

During retreats, participants receive 1 on 1 personalized support that meets their experience in the moment.

In addition, group sessions and activities that provide for meaningful inner reflection are offered, as well as ongoing support as participants integrate back into everyday life.

Sacred Warrior Retreat Peru

SEPT. 2018

Applications are now being accepted and for more information please use the contact link below.

Join our small group of carefully selected participants for a once-in-a-lifetime transformative experience.

We will travel deep into the jungle to work directly with authentic healers from the Shipibo tribe, utilizing a variety of sacred Master plants.